Galileo Galilei- a Famous scientist from long ago, lived from 1564-1642. He found a famous discovery he also said this about it “A body on a level surface will continue in the same direction at a constant speed unless disturbed.” It also could mean If an object is moving with a constant velocity on flat ground, it will keep on moving forward until something stops it. The meaning of Inertia is: Inertia is an objects resistance to change it’s motion, but it has two meanings for example a hockey puck an object in motion want to stay on motion forever. But oppositely like a big statue at rest things that rest want to stay at rest forever. Isaac Newton 1643-1727 He also was the person we named the SI unit of force after Newton and he made some really big discoveries when we consider a couple of his really important discoveries of the laws of physics that where made a long time ago by Isaac Newton and his first law about motion says “Every body persists in it’s state of being at rest or of moving uniformly straight forward, except insofar as it is compelled to change it’s state by force impressed.” This law also means Objects in motion and objects at rest stay at rest unless acted on by an unbalanced force. Extras: You can do these two experiments at home number one: you get a spoon and a glass and then you pour water into the glass then you get the spoon and stir it around the cup for ten seconds and after those ten seconds you take out the spoon out of the cup and see what happens. number two: you get a penny an empty glass and an index card or just paper and put the paper or index card on the opening of the glass and put the penny on top of the index card or paper then pull the paper straight and see what happened to the penny.
Credits to Miacademy science section.
I have been taking this course from Miacademy and i have been learning about Newtons Laws, inertia, and forces. inertia is a force that is changing an items motion. The two types of forces are contact and non-contact. Newtons first law is “Every body persists in it’s state of being at rest or of moving uniformly straight forward, except insofar as it compelled to change it’s state by force impressed.”
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